Not all co-parenting relationships go smoothly. Some people can be very difficult to work with.
One time they might try to cause you trouble is during handovers of the children. Here are a few tips to help you cope if this is the case.
1. Don’t play their game
Don’t let your co-parent try to bait you into stooping to their level. Stay above it and do your best to ignore their attempts to get a rise out of you. This is important not only for your own dignity but for the well-being of your kids. They don’t want to see you both behaving like children.
2. Look for ways to avoid trouble
Let’s say your ex tries to start an argument every time you meet up to hand over the children. You could try asking someone else to do the exchanges for you to avoid putting yourself in that situation. Just make sure you choose someone who can handle the situation without getting riled.
Another option is to schedule handovers in public places. For instance, in the local golf club where you know your co-parent would never act up for fear of embarrassing themselves in front of friends and influential local business people.
3. You may have legal options
If you keep a record of your ex’s behavior, and they continue to behave poorly, you may eventually build up enough evidence to ask a court to intervene. One very serious incident, such as a threat or act of violence toward you, can be enough on its own.
If you find co-parenting difficult because your spouse is making it so, it’s smart to get legal help to learn more about your options.