Child abduction is a parent's worst nightmare. Fear and panic accompany the knowledge your child was taken by their other parent, and you just want them back in your arms. The only person to blame for this scenario is your ex-partner, but recognizing the signs that...
Child Abduction
Texas custody laws: Can a parent kidnap their child?
Child custody disputes can be emotionally charged and complicated affairs. In some cases, one parent may take drastic action, like removing the child from the other parent's custody without consent or in violation of a court order. This act, often referred to as...
3 things all parents should know about the Hague Convention
When parents divorce, they must consider their kids as well as themselves in their legal decisions. Some parents manage to set aside their personal feelings and make choices that preserve their kids’ well-being. Unfortunately, others never accept the divorce and...
The warning signs of parental abduction
Many parents believe they can do anything they want with their children and that their actions have no consequences. This isn’t always the case, especially during a divorce. An issue seen in some Texas custody battles and divorce cases is one parent taking the...
What leads a family member to abduct children
It may come to your surprise when you went to get your child from school and they were missing. You may have later received a text or call from a relative close to your child saying you won’t be seeing them again. It turns out your mother, brother or another close...
Should you be worried if your ex quits their job?
Generally speaking, you probably aren't all that concerned with what your ex does for a career after the divorce. If they quit their job, unless you're worried about getting child support or alimony, it doesn't concern you anymore. The divorce has already happened and...
Can your ex leave for Oklahoma during their parenting time?
Parental abductions are more common than people realize. More abductions and kidnappings involve family members and people the children previously knew than strangers. Often, the children may not even realize that a crime occurred because they trust the person who...
How can you avoid international kidnapping after divorce?
If you have a child with someone who is not a U.S. national, then there is a chance that they may want to return to their country with your child. Even if they have family in the United States and are permanent residents or citizens, they may have family overseas, or...